
digital marketing assets

Ellerman House

The Wetu way with Ellerman House

6 December 2022 0

Wetu – a platform that allows you to easily get your best marketing and sales collateral directly to those who need it to promote and…

pendant lightbulbs

Get your marketing engine going and always on

19 October 2022 0

Having lost institutional knowledge and marketing manpower, do you feel like you’re always playing catch-up in the midst of the new surge in travel demand?…

lighthouse by ocean

The big deal about travel content and why curation matters

26 July 2022 1

There comes a point when a switch flips in someone’s mind that takes them from daydreaming about travel to acting decisively to make it happen….

hiker overlooking lake

How to effectively market your tours on Facebook

19 July 2022 0

Facebook remains a popular platform for travel research. Do you know how to use it to boost your business prospects? With a little bit of…

girl power with laptop

Bounce back with an engaging website

12 July 2022 10

So much effort goes into directing traffic to your website, but how well is it doing at marketing your brand and travel products? Marketing experts…

forest lake guesthouse

Showcase and promote your property with Wetu

6 June 2022 0

Want to ensure that your property shines through the clutter and is the one that gets chosen? As the manager or marketer of a hotel,…

sky divers

Set yourself up to target new markets fast

18 May 2022 1

Keen to dive boldly into new markets with a fresh new proposition but don’t know where to start? Start with centralised access to a range…

girl with camera in mountains

Customisation hacks to score more sales

16 May 2022 0

How can you stand out among other brands operating in your destination selling similar experiences, and win more sales? Transform your tour itineraries into something…

couple browing on phones

Engage and convert better with interactive assets

9 May 2022 0

How do you focus attention on your product long enough to convert browsers into customers? Entice your target customers, keep their attention riveted to your…

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