How do you focus attention on your product long enough to convert browsers into customers?

Entice your target customers, keep their attention riveted to your site (so they don’t look elsewhere for alternative products), and guide their decision to purchase by offering an empowering, interactive buying journey.  

There’s so much noise online with other travel brands vying for the same attention as you – easy access to in-depth product information and enabling your target customers to choose what information they want to explore, put you in a stronger position to earn the sale. 


Because interactive assets boost engagement. 

  • People are tactile and love having some control over their buying journey – that’s where clickable links, tabs, arrows, buttons, and images have the power to retain attention.
  • The senses are stimulated for longer, prospective customers make better-informed choices, and the entire experience is more fun. 
  • The more time spent looking at and engaging with your assets, the greater the chance of a booking. 


By profiling your product in Wetu. 

  • Showcased consistently on your website, other third-party sites, on your blog, in your own iBrochure and itineraries built in Wetu, wherever they access your assets, visitors will be drawn into exploring the rich depth of detail – and stay onsite for longer. 
  • Trade partners that use your product in their proposals will also benefit from keeping prospective clients engaged with their sales assets for longer.


Clicks that engage and convert

 Register your product in Wetu and unlock an iBrochure to present these clickable assets:


Keen to engage your target customers for longer? Register now to ‘click-start’ the process.

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