
Travel Agent Tips

Direct enquiry or booking traffic from your itineraries

15 October 2019 0

Here’s a helpful tip! Do you know you can invite direct contact from people viewing your itinerary when they’re ready to take action?👁‍🗨 Display a…

Curate preferred accommodation info for efficiency

3 September 2019 0

Here’s a helpful tip! You want the information garnered from years of trade experience, product training, site inspections and educationals, to serve your entire team,…

Quick search and add contacts to itineraries

16 July 2019 0

Here’s a helpful tip! Finding it tiresome scrolling through your entire list of contacts for the preferred service providers you want to include in an…

Editing activities in your client itinerary

2 July 2019 0

Here’s a helpful tip! Want to repurpose an itinerary for a new proposal with slight variations in the included activities? You can easily edit the…

Looking up multiple flights for client itineraries

21 May 2019 0

Here’s a helpful tip! When a journey consists of more than one flight sector, you can add each sector separately and get the sequence right…

Get your client’s itinerary flight details right

16 April 2019 0

Here’s a helpful tip! Worried about making a mistake with your client’s flight details? Here’s a handy way around it. You need travel dates on…

Set timely reminders for your operational tasks

29 January 2019 0

Here’s a helpful hint! When things get busy at work, it helps having a system that remembers operational tasks for you. There are specific times…

Optimise your collective product knowledge

22 January 2019 0

Here’s a helpful hint! All the knowledge collected by your team over years of working in tourism is hugely valuable to your business – the…

Quick operational checks on your client itineraries

8 January 2019 0

Here’s a helpful hint! Want to quickly check the booking details of any upcoming trips of yours or a colleague’s? Here are three quick viewing…

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