Your content, your rates, the lifeblood of your business flows right through the heart of the Wetu machine.💚Our Dev Team has updated the way each shows up to your clients, in the following feature releases:

  • Copy and Paste functionality Loading rates can be a tedious, time-consuming manual job, prone to human error. Whether some rates change across different seasons or remain constant, this new functionality helps you get it done simply and more precisely, error-free. On the Rate Seasons section of the Update Form, you now have the option to clear a pricing column, copy and past rates from one season to another quickly.
  • Content Central 3 New regions have been added to the Content Portal to better guide the trade looking for content in the destinations they sell. It now features: North America; the Middle East; Europe

We look forward to seeing your rates looking fine in your iBrochures and your iBrochures looking fine in the right region in the Content Portal.🎯Tell us how you like it (or not) on where we always welcome your feedback.

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