
Product Supplier

white sandy beach resort

Helping the trade sell more bed nights

28 June 2022 10

How do you encourage trade partners to use your product rather than others for their client proposals? Make your product more attractive to them –…

family at beach resort

Stretch your marketing resources in Wetu

12 January 2022 0

Worried about losing sales because you haven’t had the time or money to do proper marketing? Save time and money – get in front of…

woman in pyjamas

The quickest way to get noticed by the trade? Update your Wetu listing

5 January 2022 0

In the world of travel, the difference between standing out the crowd and getting lost in the noise is great visuals. Would you pitch to…

boutique hotel lounge

Why a top content score matters and how to get it

23 December 2021 0

Travel content is all about quality and quantity – if you rate your content highly, so will the trade! Your product listing is rated in…

How to stand out among the competition

29 October 2021 0

Want to make your product more attractive to new business prospects? Many other brands in your destination are competing for the same business – it’s…

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