Here’s a helpful tip!

Is it a pain getting important info out to your clients quickly? Maybe you may need to send a travel agent some new info on your Enhanced listing in a language that’s easier for them to read. Maybe your DMC needs to see a specific selection of fresh images and new media you produced during lockdown. Maybe you want to send a tour operator some special rates to help divert some pent-up post-lockdown travel demand your way. Here’s your sharing solution, and it’s as easy as: select, click, send!🚀

Go straight to your Dashboard and locate the Share icon beside your Enhanced product listing. You’ll see this content sharing window. Simply make your selections and add your own message to personalise the email. Send to one or many by adding multiple recipient email addresses. When it gets to the other side, the recipient will know immediately it’s from you because it will bear your logo and an email banner from your image gallery, with a subject line saying exactly what it is!💌

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