We’ve been moving and shaking things up behind the scenes, adding some new functionality and tweaking other features. Thanks to our hardworking Dev team for putting these new releases together for you.๐Ÿคนโ€โ™€๏ธ

  • Portuguese Machine Translations New to the Machine Translations family is the option to translate your itineraries in Wetu into Portuguese, bringing our our growing list of supported languages to 8 (including English).
  • Component functionality The functionality is now more flexible and easier to edit for logical flow once added to an itinerary. When you select a component, it will open a new modal where you can select where it should start and end. Here’s how. The selected options will display in Steps 3 and 4 of your Itinerary Builder.
  • Itinerary Archive Restore You can now revert back to a previous version of a Sample or Personal Itinerary – it will have a live Itinerary History button with the different versions of that itinerary as you have worked on it – create a copy to view it and restore it if it’s the version you wanted. Here’s how it works. You can also restore previous versions of components (day/multi-day) and tours (day/multi-day).
  • iBrochure Number of Rooms This enhancement on the Supplier iBrochure shows the number of units per type that a property has in existence. You can access this info in the Itinerary Builder inside an iBrochure preview or from the Room Details button in the Accommodation Step, as well as under Rooms in your Consultant Portal (provided the supplier has specified this).

That’s 4 new goodies to add to your awesome Wetu toolkit, designed to boost your efficiency. Let us know on support@wetu.com how it all works for you or to offer suggestions.๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป We welcome your feedback!

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