Do you worry that with your team working remotely, this will negatively impact your output?

Your team may be at risk of working in silos in the new normal, which could potentially lead to operational inefficiency and inconsistency. The good news is that you can cut down on the time and energy your team spends generating proposals and duplicating work by organising your assets and collective expertise.

Get everyone on the same page and coordinate your efforts by:

1. Pooling your product knowledge and expertise to share among the team, reducing the effort of sourcing products and services for client proposals.

2. Curating your marketing assets so that your entire team has easy access to products that are on-brand, popular with your clients, and have been vetted during site inspections.


How to get organised

The basis for your business intelligence already exists in Wetu – all you need to do is organise your tour products into a central knowledge base. The system will make it available in the Itinerary Builder and Consultant Portal to your entire team.

  • Itineraries, Components and Day Tours

Tag and label your assets as you create them. Consultants searching for relevant tour products to repurpose for new enquiries can search by tour name, type, interests, language, consultant, pricing, etc. using the Itinerary Browser search and filter functions.

  • Accommodation, Activities and Restaurants

Every product ever used in itineraries built in your account will be listed in your Consultant Portal. Consultants with Admin rights can quick-add new products – include your preferred rooms, notable facilities and services, ‘friendly’ guides, recommended experiences, operational times, and capacity.

  • Filtering in the Consultant Portal

Your preferred supplier products will be listed first. Find the right property for a client proposal by searching for it by name, destination or country, accommodation type, proximity to airports, based on your internal rating, and on tags and flags as defined by your team.

  • Centralised access for efficiency

Add consultant notes, your company documents and fact sheets. Based on what the product supplier has uploaded to their Wetu listing, you can also access their documentation, rates, specials, room/unit information, Content Rating, iBrochure link and quickly preview their available assets. Watch this:


For efficiency’s sake, log in to your Dashboard today and start building your knowledge base.

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