Tired of constant content requests from the trade?😖Or worse: agents and re-sellers digging up poor quality pics of your products from somewhere to use on their websites. The Embed Widget works in 2 ways. Wetu users can access the embed code for your iBrochure on their Dashboard and other Trade partners can access it on Content Central. Make it easy for the trade to sell your products: share this guide with them and they can simply insert the embed code wherever they want to feature your products. All your content updates pull through automatically onto 3rd party websites where the embed code was added.
Ensure that your images, videos, rooming options, description and features list are up-to-date so that the correct information is displayed wherever the trade embeds your content. Control how your brand is represented and marketed elsewhere!🌈If you think coding is too higher grade for you, contact support@wetu.com and discover how we’ve simplified it for you!
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