More exciting news from our side is that we’re releasing our new Specials feature. We’ve improved upon the way you manage your specials. The result is a more streamlined, user-friendly process of aggregating Specials for you and a more efficient way for Operators and Agents to access your specials in Wetu. Everybody wins!
  • There is now a new Specials button on your Dashboard.
  • This button takes you to the new Specials Manager in Wetu.
  • The more information you provide when you create a Special, the more efficiently the filtering process works when a Specials search is conducted in the system.

For a step-by-step guide on how to load your new Specials in Wetu or how to edit existing ones, read this document.

For this system to work well, we really need you to get those Specials in there! Soon to follow will be the creation of an Operator Specials Portal, which will be the first place hundreds of Operators go to find suitable Specials to include in their itineraries.

If you need more assistance with loading your Specials, feel free to contact us now on