
Accommodation Tips

Size matters, so make your images count

30 April 2019 0

Here’s a helpful tip! Consider size and shape if you want your iBrochures rocking your best content ever. We recommend you take control of your…

Best practice content distribution hacks

16 April 2019

Here’s a helpful tip! It’s no good having awesome content if it doesn’t get around.💫 Tick off your optimal distribution checklist: Inform everyone in your…

Short and sweet content that sells

26 March 2019 0

Here’s a helpful tip! Tell the story of your experience but make it sweet and short. 🤔Consider these sweet points: Shorter reader attention span. People…

Connect your brand with digital simplicity

19 March 2019

Here’s a helpful tip! Boosting your brand presence means getting your iBrochure(s) viewed, clicked on, shared and used in itineraries as much as humanly possible. Quit…

Manage your updates, banish content requests forever

26 February 2019

Here’s a helpful hint! You’ve made some improvements to your offering and need to let the trade and everyone else know about it. Don’t want…

Make first impressions count with your iBrochure

19 February 2019 0

Here’s a helpful hint! Give your iBrochure an impressive mobile-responsive, mini-website layout starting with a Splash Page that suits your brand. Edit your Splash Page under…

Optimising your content’s return on investment

29 January 2019

Here’s a helpful hint! You’ve loaded your best product content in Wetu, bumped up your Content Rating, you regularly update and refresh it. Fabulous!🎉 Now…

Quality check those product pics

22 January 2019

Here’s a helpful hint! When was the last time you checked the quality of your product pictures in Wetu? Don’t miss the mark with outdated,…

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