

Boost your Digital Catalogue views with the Facebook App

16 August 2016

So you’ve got your Digital Catalogue loaded up with beautiful iBrochures linked onto your email signatures – want to get more hits on them? Add…

Quality Control your Specials before they go live

19 July 2016

You’re at the final stage of loading your Special – Check that all the correct information has been inserted in the correct fields. Any final…

Set your Special Validity & Travel Dates

12 July 2016

You have your Specials over specific dates for a good reason – you want to ensure that your Specials are properly applied over your chosen…

Guide users towards best application of your Specials

5 July 2016

Want to ensure that your Specials are applied and used correctly? You can detail the terms and conditions applicable to each special and also choose…

Customise your Accommodation Destination

28 June 2016

Your itinerary consists of a few places of accommodation in the same country/region/area but you don’t want the same default content for the area repeated…

Empower your agents with the Agent Access option

21 June 2016

You’ve built a fabulous itinerary and now you’re ready to hand it over to your agent. You can give them Agent Access to further customise…

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