

Set timely reminders for your operational tasks

29 January 2019 0

Here’s a helpful hint! When things get busy at work, it helps having a system that remembers operational tasks for you. There are specific times…

Quick operational checks on your client itineraries

8 January 2019 0

Here’s a helpful hint! Want to quickly check the booking details of any upcoming trips of yours or a colleague’s? Here are three quick viewing…

Stay on top of all you consultants’ bookings

20 November 2018 0

Here’s a helpful hint! What happens when consultants goes off sick, on leave, or on a fam trip? Do you scramble around, wondering about the…

Updating your itinerary booking status

25 October 2018 0

Here’s a helpful hint! Want to know how the Wetu Calendar can make life easier for you? For starters, you can get a calendar overview…

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