Here’s a helpful tip!

When a journey consists of more than one flight sector, you can add each sector separately and get the sequence right for the relevant details to appear in the Scheduled Flight window in the Route Builder step. Your Flight Lookup tool works with airline, flight number and travel dates – if all this info is correct, you’ll fly through it.🛫

In the Accommodation step of your client’s Personal Itinerary, insert the Start and End dates including the departure and arrival dates. Move onto the Route Builder, enter your departure and arrival airports of the first  flight sector, and click on the plane icon to access Flight Lookup. Now add the flight details for the first portion of the journey and adjust the travel dates, especially if the entire journey spans two or more days. Once the flight number is found and the remaining fields are populated, Save Details. Now to add the second flight sector onto the journey, click the Add Leg plus icon, select the scheduled flight option and insert the next arrival airport. Follow the process as before until all connecting flights have been added. More on Flight Lookup here.🛬

Contact if you need more help.

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