Managing your content means keeping an eye on your published Specials too.Visit your Specials home page from your Dashboard and preview your specials to see how they appear to the trade. For any changes you need to make, withdraw the special, amend as required and publish again. All updates automatically pull through wherever your specials are viewed.

Check/update as follows: Type of special – Have you targeted it correctly? Description – Is it short, sweet and accurate? Terms & Conditions – Is your guest minimum still the same? Visibility – Are you ready to show it to the world or only to the trade? Total nights – Does this match the type of special? Cost – Should it be per room or per person per night? Booking validity – Are you extending or limiting it? Travel dates – Do they reflect the correct period you want to promote? Select properties – Are these still applicable, would you like to add to it, remove from it? Contact us on if you need special help.

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