Got enquiries piling up, clients breathing down your neck, no time to waste? Stop stressing. Here are three super fast ways for you to generate itineraries.

1. Components

You have a series of touring options and activities you like to string together, a ‘mini-itinerary’ over one day or over several days. But it’s a pain to type all those details over and again.

  • Build it once and include all that valuable content as a tour Component.
  • Name and save the component, and insert in any itinerary you build.
  • View or edit components at any time, add or remove items.
  • Move parts of the component around the itinerary.

They are easy to re-use and simple to add to new itineraries.

2. Copy

For all the hard work you put into researching and compiling an itinerary, you can get out the ability to re-purpose existing itineraries or components.

  • Copy an existing Personal Itinerary and personalise it for a new client.
  • Copy as a Sample Itinerary to feature on your website or catalogues.
  • Copy as a Component to re-use as part of another itinerary.
  • Copy to create multiple options of the same itinerary for the same client.

Copying cuts your workload yet doubles your output!

3. Post or Transfer

A team that works together, succeeds together. Save your team from wasting hours replicating popular itineraries you’ve already built. You can share the workload and exchange expertise. existing itineraries or components.

  • Transfer existing itineraries or components to other users in the your team.
  • Post itineraries to users on another Wetu account if you partner with another travel company.
  • Recipients can tweak the content to personalise and make it their own.

Shared collateral gives everyone more time to devote to business.


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